1. Demonatrea de pe masina (se gasesc pe youtube o gramada de filmulete care explica procedura)
2. Dezlipirea display-ului de pe placa (~90 de pini) - cu pompa de fludor nu am facut mare branza asa ca am folosit un ac de siringa (incalzesti cu letconul si bagi acul pe piciorus sa treaca prin gaura din cablaj)
3. Demontarea carcasei de plastic pe care sta display-ul (are cateva cleme)
4. Demontarea placutei cu LED-uri (cea care asigura iluminarea display-ului) - are 8 pini care se dezlipesc cu grija pentru a nu smulge trecerile din placa
5. Cu o penseta (sau o lama de bisituriu) se curata protectia de silicon aflata pe pinii procesorului (cu grija sa nu intrerupeti vreun traseu care vine la acesta).
6. Cu o statie de lipit cu aer cald (sau o suflanta de aer cald), folosind ceva flux de lipit (poate fi si sacaz dizolvat in alcool izopropilic), relipiti procesorul apasand cu o penseta pe acesta.
7. Relipiti placa cu LED-urile (cu grija sa nu faceti scurt intre cei 8 pini)
8. Remontati suportul de plastic
9. Cu atentie remontati display-ul pe pozitie si refaceti lipiturile pinilor
10. Montati modulul pe masina
Scule folosite (in afara de cele uzuale - patenti, surubelnite...):
-statie de lipit cu aer cald
-pompa de fludor
-acul de la o siringa de 10ml
A common problem with Mazda 6, the first generation, is the lack (or blending) of characters on the multifunction display (the BC info, clock, radio and climate settings) - unfortunately I forgot to post a photo before repairing.
1. Dismantling from the car (there are a lot of videos on youtube explaining the procedure)
2. Disconnect the display from the plate (~ 90 pins) - with the fludor pump I did not make a big cheese so I used a syringe needle (you warm up with the lemon and put the needle on the foot to pass through the hole in the harness)
3. Removing the plastic case on which the display stands (has several clips)
4. Removing the LED plate (the one that provides display illumination) - has 8 pins
5. With a tweezer (or a blade bit) clean the silicon protection on the processor pins (be careful not to interrupt any path that comes to it).
6. Using a hot air soldering station (or a hot air blower), using some soldering flux (can also be rosin dissolved in isopropyl alcohol), resolder the processor pressing with a tweezer on it. Take care with that becouse you can fry the board.
7. Resolder the LED board (be careful not to make a short-cut between the pins)
8. Replace the plastic holder
9. Carefully replace the display in position and restore the pins
10. Mount the module on the machine
If you don't have any experience in soldering with hot air I guess is better to ask someone who know what to do.
If you don't have a solution for hot air, you can ask a local GSM service to make the processor resoldering.
Used tools (apart from the usual ones - patents, screwdrivers ...):
- Letcon
- Hot air soldering station
- Tweezers
- Fludor pump
- A needle from a 10ml syringe
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